Rumors have circulated for over a decade about the beginning of the Apple Car project, and with industry analysts speculating on its potential release in 2028. However, a recent internal communication reveals that Apple has decided to terminate the project despite investing billions of dollars and hiring hundreds of workforces. The sudden cancellation raises questions about Apple's motives and strategic direction and will be the bad news for apple lovers. So, in this article I'm going to share, what are the reasons behind this sudden decision.

Number 1. Lost of unique features in apple car.

As advanced features were removed from the Apple Car it lost its distinctive selling points a crucial element for any new Apple product. Just as the Mac introduced the mouse and graphical user interface commonly called G U I. the iPhone introduced a multi-touch display and user-friendly operating system. While the iPad offered affordability, portability and a rich app ecosystem. Also, Vision Pro stood out with its high-resolution displays and top-tier hand and eye tracking technology. However, the dilution of advanced features left the Apple Car lacking in unique appeal.

Apple's products have historically distinguished themselves through unique features to attractive customers to invest in their often premium-priced offerings. However, the Apple Car lacked a truly distinctive set of features. The issue was the existence of CarPlay which further mixed-up differentiation. Apple typically makes its operating systems and software to set its products apart but CarPlay already provides a seamless Apple experience across a broad range of vehicles. This overlap further challenged the Apple Car's ability to stand out its own niche.

Number 2. Technological limitations for vehicle production.

Initially, Apple set ambitious objectives for their car envisioning it equipped with level 5 full self-driving capabilities which eliminating the need for a steering wheel or pedals. Additionally, they aimed to integrate voice-controlled navigation using Siri rather than relying on a traditional touch screen interface. However, the pursuit of these goals posed significant challenges. Apple faced difficulties while developing self-driving technology and it is leading them to realize that perfecting it would require a much more extended timeframe than initially expected.

The decision to make Siri as centralizer of the car's operating system posed a significant risk. This was due to Siri's ongoing challenges in handling basic commands on current Apple devices. Therefore, Apple decided to revise their objectives for the Apple Car. They shifted towards a level two self-driving system akin to adaptive cruise control with lane-keeping capabilities. Additionally, they chosen for a more conventional interior design featuring a steering wheel, pedals and a touch screen for navigation. However, this adjustment brought about a new challenge.

Number 3. High price of the apple car.

Another significant challenge arose regarding pricing. Apple initially anticipated the Apple Car to be priced around $100,000, well above the average new car price of $48,000 in the industry. This exorbitant price tag not only made the vehicle too expensive for many potential customers but also failed to yield the typical profit margins which Apple enjoys with its other products presently. Moreover, without a standout breakthrough feature consumers might opt for more affordable electric vehicles equipped with CarPlay. Consequently, speculation abounds that this setback may mark the demise of the Apple Car project.

However, some of others have a different perspective. Apple has recently redirected its attention away from car development towards the advancement of generative AI technology which serves as the backbone for services such as Chat GPT. This strategic shift suggests that Apple perceives advanced AI as essential for realizing ambitious projects like self-driving cars. Especially, Apple's CEO Tim Cook has referred to autonomous driving as the pinnacle of AI endeavors. The potential enhancements to Siri through the integration of artificial intelligence also emphasize the profound impact such technology could have on future innovations.

It's possible that Apple may revisit the idea of creating a car in the future, but perhaps only when advancements in AI technology can provide the necessary breakthrough features to ensure the product's success.
